Monthly Archives: April 2012

flood run, maiden rock, wi

My sister and I came across this group of intrepid riders on our way down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi in Maiden Rock, Wisconsin.  It was raining and it was cold, but that could not stop them from joining in the annual spring flood run.  Hundreds and hundreds of Harleys on the road.

In some future life I want to be a photo journalist.  I also want to ride a motorcycle and wear black leather.  There is something about that whole subculture that I find irresistible.  I wanted to tell them that I ride too, single horsepower, 1200 pounds with great hair.  My black stallion.

But I decided just to shoot. Go along for the ride.

More from the Midwest tomorrow.  In the meantime, here is another great image.


the help

I read this poem, “When you Can’t Stop Crying”  by Jon Katz on Friday morning and burst into tears   It has been a raw, dark week for me.  There is a part of me that cannot feel into what is coming, or that fears what is coming and prefers not to look.

And then there is my beloved, beloved Capprichio, nose in the grass, hooves on the earth, eye to me, reminding me to taste what is here right now, to stand where I am and breathe all of this in.  And today, when I was appreciating him, and appreciating the warmth, and appreciating the opening blossoms om my crab apple tree, the lilacs, the sun I could feel a budding possibility, beyond my control, beyond even my ability to imagine.

This weekend I am traveling to Minnesota to visit my sister.  Janet is one of the most ebulliant and optimistic people I know.  When the genetic cards were being dealt, she got those.  Whenever I see her, I say I am going to get an infusion of “Janergy.”

Next post from St. Paul.


saturday’s very fine art

for sale:  “Tintoretta”

Signed, limited edition print of a toned photograph by Pam White. 

This print from Highland Studios is 16 x 20 on acid free archival paper, and mounted on foam core, ready for framing.

Cost is $87 + $7 shipping.

Sale price (usually $2500) for the original one-of-a-kind framed photograph:  $1700.  (Price includes shipping.)

You can purchase by contacting me HERE, or with Paypal.


This print is available this week only.

new site coming!

For the past three months, I have been working with Robert Schaufleberg and Elizabeth Lord, the excellent designers at Deko Design in New York on my new website.  When I started taking photographs, I wanted the site to be more dynamically visual and hold more of my work and my offerings in one place.

I have had the fun of developing the language and choosing the photographs for each page.  The site is  BEAUTIFUL and  I am very excited.  It is in the hands of Mannix Marketing at the moment.  They are tweaking its search engine friendliness.  We are hoping to launch by mid-May.  Stay tuned for the launch party.