Monthly Archives: August 2012

wedding questions

This is the wedding day of my daughter Bimala and her fiance Jeff.  I thought that the week would be more out of control, more crazy.  Instead the pieces of the big jigsaw seem to be floating together – not always effortlessly, but bumping and slipping their way into place, making a picture that is both sun and shadow, light and dark.

The shadow/dark parts are the unknown places.  The things that scare mommies, like how will this work?  Will the baby be ok?  Are they ready for primetime? Can they handle this big life-sized assignment that they have taken on?  So far the answers are yes and no and maybe.

The sun parts are what we see and know and hold right now. Each other.  The moment.  Our best intentions.  Our love. And that is enough for now.




Garrison & Polly: the poetry angels

Sedona by Paula Josa-Jones

This poem came to me from my friend Polly Styron, who has been following my wedding travails (travels?).  It came to her from the lovely Garrison Keillor – a poetry archangel.  It is EXACTLY what I needed to read today.

Prayer for What is Lost

by Stuart Kestenbaum

We are moving forward
or in some direction up,
down, east, west, to the side,
down the canyon walls,
watching the light fall
on the cliffs, which makes
the light seem ancient because
the red stone is hundreds
of millions of years old,
but the light is from today,
it is what the plants are moving
out of the earth to meet,
it heats the air that lifts the birds
that float and hover
over what is made from now.

“Prayer for What is Lost” by Stuart Kestenbaum, from Prayers & Run-On Sentances. © Deerbrook Editions, 2007. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)

what do you want?

Wild Blue Sky by Pam White

On August 13, Jenna Wogenrich challenged her readers to write down what they want.  She said to write it down, print it and carry it with you.  (You should read the whole of this blogpost!)  So far, 71 people have left  comments, each one more poignant, passionate and delicious than the next.  I took her up on the invitation.  Here’s what I wrote:

I want to sell my current home and move into one that feels right-sized for our work and our lives together, a place that has splendid views, some land – a place where I can bring my horses home when they retire. I want to feel financially free, light and abundant. I want to spread my work with horses and humans far and wide, to publish my book, to help people find their own creative and playful selves through movement and animals. I want to spend at least 6 weeks a year by the sea. I want to engage, connect and love everywhere, every moment.    

And then, as if the universe was listening (it is), here is what came to my inbox from Abraham today:

Law of Attraction abounds, and when it is said to you, “Ask, and it is given,” there is no more powerful statement that is at the basis of what makes things happen than that. Now, how is it that you think you ask? With your words? The Universe doesn’t hear your words. You ask with your desire. The desire that is born out of the contrast. That desire. That wanting. That’s what summons the Life Force.

What do you want?  Tell Jenna, tell me.

increasing the windhorse

My pregnant daughter is getting married on Saturday.  So this seems like a good week to invoke the windhorse.  In Tibetan belief, “increasing the windhorse” means to invoke good fortune.  Also, the windhorse is imprinted on prayer flags – carrying our prayers to heaven on the wind.

I have been struggling with writing something to say during the ceremony.  I feel like a nervous swimmer trying to figure out how to enter the water.  I have jumped in a couple times, but my words felt too cold, too stiff.  Begin again.  The problem is that I am still holding onto some history, feeling like I have to give some background as I speak.  But that isn’t really true.

What I really need is to be right here, out on the leading edge – the place where we all are standing right now.  I can feel how any going back to invoke history is a lose-lose proposition. It is looking for trouble.

The tribe, the herd is gathering.  We are coming together to celebrate, to play, to invoke, to cherish, to love.  We are coming together to support, to dance, to honor, to connect, to be happy together.  New life, new love – what could be better than that?