Monthly Archives: February 2013


SPEAK from Paula Josa-Jones on Vimeo.

This is the video from my performance at Lincoln Center.  Still a work in progress.  Love the traffic in the background.  This dance is part of a  longer series of solos called LIttle Fictions & Ragged Memoirs.

Stay tuned . . .


love day

I am reading Andrew Solomon’s extraodinary book, Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity.  In the chapter on autism, a mother says to her husband that after parenting a severely autistic child for many years, she feels that they have less of each other than they did earlier in their marriage.Having witnessed a marriage that holds a severely autistic child, I can see how that could be true.  I can see how it could be true of any relationship.  I can also see other choices.

What I know is that the option to have less is always available.  In the movie Thelma and Louise, either Thelma or Louise say,”You get what you settle for.”  A little indifference here, some carelessness there, a sprinkle of cruelty, a dash of envy and pretty soon you are settling for less and less.

I like the other option.  I like finding new ways to appreciate, looking for more opportunities to savor and bask.  New ways to breath in and out with the aliveness of what lives between us.  Not just on love day, but every day.

snowhorse, snowBuddha

I love how the snow horse, with its white mane is leaping from its wave of snow and how the Buddha is nestled neck deep.

I grew up in Minnesota and South Dakota and so big snow feels sweetly familiar.  Memories of carving snow caves and snow bridges and shooting down deeply blanketed hills on long toboggans.

cats (lovely Eli still looking for a home)

 I had to share this poem from The Writer’s Almanac.  Eli, pictured above, is still looking for a home.  We think now that he will do fine with dogs, which we weren’t sure of before. He is a sweet, affectionate guy, just looking for the right, loving person and home.  Several of out eight cats are unkind to him, and we feel he deserves better than we can provide.  Can you help?

cats and you and me

by Charles Bukowski

the Egyptians loved the cat
were often entombed with it
instead of with the child
and never with the dog.

and now
good people with
the souls of cats
are very few

yet here and now many
fine cats
with great style
lounge about
in the alleys of
the universe.

our argument tonight
whatever it was
no matter
how unhappy
it made us

remember that
there is a
adjusting to the
space of itself
with a calm
and delightful

in other words
magic persists with
or without us
no matter how
we may try to
destroy it

and I would
destroy the last chance for
that this might always