Monthly Archives: January 2015

Somatic Experiencing™

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In Somatic Experiencing®, the traumatic event isn’t what caused the trauma, it is the overwhelmed response to the perceived life threat that is causing an unbalanced nervous system. Our aim is to help you access the body memory of the event, not the story. Like other somatic psychology approaches, Somatic Experiencing® professes a body first approach to dealing with the problematic (and, oftentimes, physical) symptoms of trauma. This means that therapy isn’t about reclaiming memories or changing our thoughts and beliefs about how we feel, but we look at the sensations that lie underneath our feelings, and uncover our habitual behavior patterns to these feelings.

For the past two years, I have been studying Somatic Experiencing®.  I came to it because I was negotiating a big trauma of my own, and because I wanted to expand my Somatic Movement Therapy practice to include Peter Levine’s profoundly rich way of working with trauma.   I plan to complete my training next year.

During this last year of my training, I am offering a FREE introductory SE/Somatic Movement session to anyone who is curious or would like to experience the work to see if it might be helpful.  If you find that you would like continue, I will see clients at a reduced rate until I complete the training next October.  While the work will focus predominantly on Somatic Experiencing®, it may also integrate some elements of Somatic Movement Therapy.

To schedule a session or for more information, please contact me here:   Email Paula