Tag Archives: #Indiegogo

bucket brigade

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Seth Godin shared this post about bucket brigades.  I liken it to a good crowdfunding campaign, like our current Indiegogo effort.

We are trying to fill the lake with $$ to create wonderful art.  It takes a lot of buckets, some big some small, to fill that pond.  Every drop helps.

Please help, please donate!

A good bucket brigade

We can get more done, if we care enough. And trust enough.

From the brilliant Cory Doctorow’s award-winning novella:

I love a good bucket brigade, but they’re surprisingly hard to find. A good bucket brigade is where you accept your load, rotate 180 degrees and walk until you reach the next person, load that person, do another volte-face, and walk until someone loads you. A good bucket brigade isn’t just passing things from person to person. It’s a dynamic system in which autonomous units bunch and debunch as is optimal given the load and the speed and energy levels of each participant. A good bucket brigade is a thing of beauty, something whose smooth coordination arises from a bunch of disjointed parts who don’t need to know anything about the system’s whole state in order to help optimize it.

In a good bucket brigade, the mere act of walking at the speed you feel comfortable with and carrying no more than you can safely lift and working at your own pace produces a perfectly balanced system in which the people faster than you can work faster, and the people slower than you can work slower. It is the opposite of an assembly line, where one person’s slowness is the whole line’s problem. A good bucket brigade allows everyone to contribute at their own pace, and the more contributors you get, the better it works.


meet Katherine Freer

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I met Kate by happenstance.  I was searching for a projection designer, got her name, liked her and loved what I saw of her work.

I am THRILLED that we are working together.  She is smart, visionary, playful.  And her work is beautiful.  What more could one want in a collaborator?

Katherine is a multimedia designer working in theater, film, and installation. Her work is driven by the love of storytelling and the desire to turn her wildest imaginings into reality. Her background in film and computer science combine to generate work that is not only aesthetically beautiful, but pushes the boundaries of conventional theatrical video.

In addition to designing video for the stage, her installation work has been presented nationally and internationally. Venues include the National Building Museum, the Hammond Museum, 3LD Art & Technology Center, Front Room Gallery, and the World Wide Words Festival (Denmark). Her early video work includes Beatbox Flute Inspector Gadget Remix, a simple yet popular video with over 28 million views on YouTube and People’s Choice Award nomination. Kate has taught master classes at Harvard University, Syracuse University, New York University, University of Iowa, and Albany High School. Katherine is a founding member of Imaginary Media.

Here is a little sample of her work for the great Liz Lerman.

Healing Wars Backstage from Kate Freer on Vimeo.

Please Donate to our Indiegogo campaign

and help Kate do her gorgeous work.

Thank you!

thank you!


We are at 23% of our funding goal!  Thank you all who have donated, and thank you to those of you who are planning to donate.  Your help is so deeply appreciated.

Please continue to share this Indiegogo campaign with friends and family.  Even if you are unable to donate, perhaps you know someone who can.

If we can make it to 50% by next weekend that would be wildly WONDERFUL!

Please Donate and share, and thank you!