Beige or Light Brown?

Yesterday I read an article in the New York Times about decision making and how our endless cascade of choices basically overwhelms our limited bandwidth, wreaking havoc with our emotional and physical selves.  The way I experience it is as a surfeit of essentially meaningless choices (Coffee or tea?  Pants or shorts?  Write the blog or go for a walk? etc. etc. etc.)  It feels like dithering.  Another symptom of an unquiet mind.  Time to breathe and get quiet.  (Meditate or walk?  Breathe or stretch? . . . oops, there I go again).

Horses don’t dither.  They are not overwhelmed by their choices.  Hay or grass?  This place or that?  Doze or graze?  Lick the salt or wait until later?  They just move in a smooth flow from one thing to the next.  I imagine that to be vastly refreshing, more immediate, sensual and delicious.  I notice that when I am at the barn, in the presence of the horses, the choices dissolve.  I fall into horse time – expanded, open-ended, present.


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