The Dance: Nelson’s Tango

Today I was working with Nelson, the Mustang.  My work with him is about helping him to get more comfortable with all the stuff around him, and more able to roll with new information, new challenges, like being able to have his feet trimmed, My relationship with Nelson is more than that, however. Over the months or working with him, I have come to love him, and to approach our dance with reverence and appreciation.  I  learn something new each time I am with him.  For the past few weeks, I have noticed that the texture of my body – the way I feel my cells are aligned and humming  has changed since I first started.  It feels like I have been homogenized – my body is expressing one thing, instead of a million little messages.  That makes things easier for Nelson.  Today he felt nervous, usually a sign that someone else has been in working with him – he was discombobulated and edgy.  I have learned not to react to any of that, just to stay in my basic, homogenized body and wait.  At one point, he started his dance of moving one way and then turning and moving off the other direction – a prelude to running.  Instead of trying to block him, I just blended my steps, so that I was matching him exactly, as if I were trying to learn his dance steps.  I could immediately feel the shift in him – he looked at me as if I had done something very interesting and then walked over to me for a pet.  Another lesson in horse dancing for me.  Thank you Nelson.


One Response

  1. Makes me think of swimming with the current. Was just talking to someone about the idea of play and ease instead of struggle. Very beautiful.