cross dressing

Marion Laval-Jeantet is a performance artist who is experimenting with the meaning of “trans-species” art.  In her piece, Que le cheval vive en moi (the horse lives in me), over a period of several months, she was injected with horse blood plasma containing a spectrum of equine immunoglobulins.  Her goal was to experience the body-mind of another species, which she described as a heightened sensibility and nervousness. After the final injection she performed a communication ritual with the horse, pictured above.

Marion’s work connects to the body art experiments of Carol Schneeman, Marina Abramović, one of who’s works involved dancing until she collapsed from exhaustion, among others.

I am interested in this work because it seems to be an effort to dissolve the prey/predator distinction between horse and human.  There are horse whisperers and trainers who claim to “speak horse,” and yet when I watch, there is always that divide.  The man/woman is still a meat eater.

The closest thing I have experienced in dissolving that divide is the work of Linda Tellington-Jones. TTouch, her radical work with touch goes “under the skin” – creating a borderless place of attunement where horse (or dog, cat, snake, bird, elephant) and human meet.  I have been TTouching for about seven years, and I wonder if Marion would find that using touch in this way can carry her as deeply into the blood and bone of the human-horse bond.

How do you cross dress?


One Response

  1. well this certainly lends itself to disscusion. I would want to actauly see or experience the work in order to truely feel it and understand.
    from this description I have to ask, why is this necessary? It may be an intersting art/science experiment but I don’t think it has anything to offer the horse she sees to emulate.
    I almost feel there is a person wanting to experience “horse” to go this far. which is fine but to experience horse couldn’t one just be with horse and breath and listen? NO human on two legs, acting on stilts as one leg can properly interpret a four legged animal! and without the prey instincts, however muted, to go along.
    I’d like to see it in person to feel and sense what is really going on. Without that this seems an overly artistic and hyped fumble in the relm of what is actually so easy… (for other animals other than human) Be in the now.
    War paint and cross dressing may help get in the mood and mind set, but altering bloodchemisrty seems unnessary for one really wanting to listen and not have expectations already in mind.