how to reconnect

On Google+ today, Gwen Bell asked what do we do to stay motivated during difficult times. I think that the answer has to do not with motivation, but with connection.

Because difficult times have a way of disconnecting us from ourselves.  So how to reconnect?

I have a few suggestions:

  1. Move!  Without thinking, without judging.
  2. Change your point of view.  Stand up, look over your shoulder, look between your legs, walk backwards, lie on the floor somewhere new and see what you see.
  3. Breathe.  Intentional, mindful breathing is magic.
  4. Sip a lovely tea.  My current favorite is Harney’s Dong Ding, a lovely oolong.  If you really want a splurge, try their Top Ti Quan Yin. They describe it as a “It is an intense mixture of butter and honey, even honeysuckle flowers, reminiscent of great Burgundy white wine.”

How do you reconnect?


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