the ham of god

I took this picture at the Putney School Harvest Festival two weeks ago.  I want to sleep like this.

I fell asleep last night laughing out loud listening to Anne Lamott’s Plan B:  Further thoughts on Faith.  Laughing into sleep is a great way to wake up.  When she talked about receiving a providential gift ham on her birthday at a grocery store, I lost it.  She wondered if it was “the ham of god.”

I am finding more ways to soften before sleep, and to soften into waking.  I find that it makes for a more fluid, creative day.  Abraham calls it “getting into the vortex.”  I have been listening to Abraham for about two years now, driving everywhere.  It is the best way that I have found to release resistance.

Resistance is on my mind as I am reading The War of Art. More about that tomorrow.

Abraham says find something to make you happy.  Last year, Emily Jones, the head of the Putney School encouraged students to look at something beautiful and let it make you happy. I have a long list, that includes horses’s noses, cat’s fur, my  daughters’ and Pam’s faces.

What makes you happy today?



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