staying in the center

I have been watching a video by horse guru and Aikido master Mark Rashid.  Today he demonstrated a centering concept from Aikido, and showed how by centering energy at a point just below the belt buckle (about a hand’s breadth below the navel), one could become unmoveable, steady, grounded.  The reason for doing this is to connect to and develop one’s softness, rather than relying on pure strength or muscle.

So today I rode from that place and the results were really surprising.  Both Sanne and Capprichio immediately reflected to me that I was doing something different, something that allowed them to relax and focus rather than brace.  I was amazed at the difference that it made to my sitting trot and my seat.  The image that I had was that my hips and pelvis were like the bulb of a big lotus, with roots traveling down my legs into the ground, and the leaves and stem rising up from the rich nourishment of the bulb.

Rashid also suggested looking at how much effort we expend for any given task, and see if there is a way to do less – use less muscle –  and instead harness our inner softness.  I realized that almost everything that I do has a higher, more muscled vibration than is necessary, and that when I drop my awareness and breathing into my center, I can do more with less effort.

Try it!


2 Responses »

  1. Balance is so important in everything we do. Being centered enough, that when being thrown off guard, we can react naturally and without over compensation. My vision of being centered on a horse is like having hips that pivot and swivel without your torso moving, shoulders are naturally straight and posture then is in line with everything else. Bringing virtually no impact on the effort your horse has to put out to carry you. It is difficult to teach (especially older people) but once you feel it …..oh it’s heaven!! I was fortunate enough to learn at a very young age. Hope your day goes well, take care, and ride safe.

  2. Pingback: the hard and the soft of it | Paula Josa-Jones

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