lighten up


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

       “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
Mary Oliver

You cannot really disconnect yourself from the passionate, desirous being that you are. It was with enormous clarity that you came forth into this body, and that’s why when you try to hold your desire down, it keeps coming up…Your cork will always float unless you are holding it down. — Abraham

 I have been holding down the cork of my love for my daughter.  That cork  gets heavy and shitty with my disgust and anger at her choices.  But my cork needs to float.  Because that cork is attached to all the other corks – my love for myself, my wife, my work and on and on like a big net of floats, and the more I push that one cork down, the more it drags on the others.

So I am going to let the light enter, which can feel like hard work when all you see and feel is the wound.  This morning Pam and I shared some laughter around breakfast and realized that we had not done that for a long time, that we have grown somber and heavy with hurt.  Time to shine, time to brighten, time to love. That is my prayer for this day, this life.

Here is some serious light, a gift sent to me by one of my gorgeous goddesses, Suzanne.

Murmuration from Islands & Rivers on Vimeo.


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