Category Archives: the performer

of these bodies

Dive_BlackWomanInTreePaula Josa-Jones in Dive.

I watched the video of Gaelynn Lea, winner of NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert competition last night.  I am not the same today.  I am changed.  By the end of her 22 minute set on the program, I was in tears.  Gaelynn suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone disease.  She is, nonetheless, all fire, sweetness and beauty in a completely unexpected body.  As I watched, as I let her music move through me, move me, I felt like I was seeing something that is ineffable, impossible to tether to any one description.  By the end, I felt that she had schooled me.  That art and love are all.  That taking what we are given and rendering it to whatever perfection and devotion that we can is everything.

She reminds me of why I do not want to speak ill of any presidential candidate, as much as I am wounded by what they say.  I don’t want to go there.  I want to anchor myself in the place of passion, of desire for what is, in the language of the Buddha, right action, right speech.  In focusing on what I want, not what I fear and loathe. Gaelynn and her music remind me not to waste a moment in hate.  See it, transform it, one note, one gesture at a time.

I chose this photograph because of the branches and my body in them.  The anatomy of the tree.  The difficult anatomy of this musician I so admire and yes, love.  My own body – so willing, so fierce, so lovely.  Each of us rendering art “of these bodies” – of flesh, earth and spirit.



mammal (save the date)

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Costume for Mammal by Christine Joly de Lotbinniere

Last year I wrote this about the new dance I am building, called The Traveler (terra incognita), part of my new solo work, Little Fictions, Ragged Memoirs, which will premiere in Cambridge at the Dance Complex in June 2016.

It is a dance that is chewing me up.  It is so hard, physically and emotionally, that I am often afraid to rehearse it.  Tom Waits’s music is like the mule driver and the light in the dark. Working on this dance, I enter through a door that I hope won’t explode and find myself sometimes in a mine field, other times in a field of flowers.  It is the music, but mostly what comes slithering and snapping out of my body.”

This year I have been opening another door to a new work called Mammal.  Initially called it Beast, but felt that Mammal was a roomier title, one that had space for the ferocious and the tender.  The dance is still downloading, but the essence is there.

I will be performing an excerpt of Mammal January 17 at the Booking Dance Festival in New York City.  Here are the details.  I will post times and ticket information shortly.  Please save the date.  Please come!

January 17
5:30-11:30 pm

The Allen Room
Frederick P. Rose Hall
Home of Jazz at Lincoln Center

Located in the Time Warner Building at Central Park’s Columbus Circle
Broadway & West 60th St.
New York City



watch this dance!


I have been savoring the posts from the Tamalpa Institute in celebration of Anna Halprin’s 95th birthday. This is one of the dances presented during the festivities. It is exquisite. Dohee Lee has staged her interpretation of “The Prophetess,” originally created by Anna in 1948. Watch through to the end – it moved me to tears.


Here is Anna in the original version!