Category Archives: the performer



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This is a sample of the design that Christine Joly de Lotbiniere is designing for Mammal, one of the dances in Little Fictions, Ragged Memoirs.

Here is her latest note to me: “This is one of 12 panels for the skirt; each panel having a variation on a theme. I think the hand sewing of the black appliqués, though labor intensive,  lends a very interesting quality to the pattern…. we just would not have achieved this with machine stitching them down. I used vintage threads throughout, some of them from the 1950’s and the quality of the thread is so superior to what we have today! You can decide to leave the hanging threads or to remove them. I believe they lend a fantastic “mammal” organic feeling.

I purchased leggings and will be overdyeing those, possibly painting into them as well. The gloves have been patterned so they are next up: extra length added to them and ombre dyed from black at the fingertips to nude at the top of the arms, I will be applying texture and pattern to those as well. They will have latex applied on the palm and fingers.”

Exciting!  The journey of this dance has been intense. This is how I describe the dance: Mammal is a “shape-shifting” dance – a cellular, poetic echolocation that viscerally connects male and female, human and non-human at the porous borderland where they intersect and blend.

It feels like I have been invoking this dance for two years.  In the process, I have experienced a re-wiring of my nervous system and a re-configuration of my body’s systems:  fluid, bone, cells, fascia.  It is as if my flesh had to be readied to receive the transmission.

For Christine, this has meant staying in the saddle as the dance bucks, shifts and morphs.  But then, she is good at that, really, really good, which is why we have worked together for so long.

If you love dance, if you love theater, design, please help to support this audacious, ambitious project.  We are nearing the end of our Indiegogo campaign, but not the end of our work, our inspiration, and our desire.

You can help support artists and art!

Please DONATE to our Indiegogo campaign.

Thank you!


math help



OK, so here is how I figure it.  Our Indiegogo campaign still needs to raise around $9000.

If 300 people give $30 each we are there!

If 150 give $60, mission accomplished!!

If 90 give $100, we have it!

If 75 give $120, brava!

If 30 give $300, done and done!

If 10 give $900, VOILA!

It is called crowdfunding, so we need a crowd.  We thank and appreciate all of you who have donated. If each of you could find a friend to donate, we would be well on our way to our goal.  Please do that.  Please help us make a crowd. 

Finally, please check out our Indiegogo page to learn why this is a wonderful, soulful project.

Please DONATE to our Indiegogo campaign.

Thank you!


blessed to be obsessed

facewall 9d - Version 7

I had a lovely conversation the other day with my friend Adrianne Ryan, a horsewoman and photographer who lives on Martha’s Vineyard.  We were talking about work and she said, “Well, I am blessed to be obsessed.”

Me too.  Movement – finding it, growing it, blowing it open, turning it into something ineffable, inevitable and fierce is my obsession (one of them.)

It is work and it isn’t work.  The movement claims, re-shapes and hones me.  And then I want to share it – speak through it, connect with it.

Last year, during a creative residency, I became obsessed with editing and layering these photographs taken by Pam White (above) that have become a part of The Traveler, one of the dances in the LFRM trilogy. I wanted to evoke something about layering, overlay, what is there and not quite there in all of us.

Yesterday I listened to a wonderful Diane Rehm podcast with Buddhist priest, philosopher and writer Mathieu Ricard.  He was talking about his new book Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World.

Listening to him, I realized that my wanting to share and connect with the world through movement is a form of altruism.  Maybe earlier in my career it was about something else, something less generous.  But now it is about making a connection, about sharing the best of myself and reaching out to the best in you.  I felt that so clearly when I watched Kyle Abraham’s solos filmed by Carrie Schneider, that his vulnerability was a deep gift to us.  I was/am so deeply moved by that.

As artists, I think we have to aim higher than personal ambition, beyond what we know to reach that skyward, earthly part of ourselves that connects to the skyward, earthly place in each other.

Please help me share my work with you.

You can do that by making a donation to my

Indiegogo campaign.


Thank you!!

meet Paola Styron





Paola dancing with Capprichio in FLIGHT                Photos:  Jeffrey Anderson

Aerialist.  Dancer. Writer.  Artist.  Beautiful.

I had the great and rare privilege of working with Paola several years ago when we created FLIGHT.  That work was inspired by her and could not have happened without her.

Paola has danced with the greats:  Martha Clarke and Margie Gillis among many, many others.  She has agreed to be my director for Little Fictions, Ragged Memoirs.  My tough, generous, wise outside eye and mentor.  I am so very, very lucky.

Please help nourish this big, wild dream and so that we can share it with you.  Please make a donation to our

Indiegogo campaign.

Thank you!